How Do Many Motorcycle Crashes Happen?
How Do Many Motorcycle Crashes Happen?
How Do Many Motorcycle Crashes Happen?

How Do Many Motorcycle Crashes Happen?

Motorcycles embody freedom, adventure, and the thrill of being one with the open road. However, as with many exciting things in life, riding a motorcycle comes with its own set of risks. At the Law Offices of Andrew Zeytuntsyan, we help victims of personal injury overcome their legal challenges and receive just compensation for their accidents. For those who've ever wondered why motorcycle crashes happen and what steps should follow such an incident, keep reading to discover important information that can help you stay prepared.

Understanding Motorcycle Crashes

Motorcycles are popular, and their presence on the roads increases especially during the sunny months. However, this popularity comes with statistics that aren't always comforting. Annually, a significant percentage of road accidents involve motorcycles. Several reasons contribute to these figures. One is the seasonal increase in riders during summer. Additionally, new riders, who might not yet have fully honed their riding skills, join the roads. Also, due to their smaller size, motorcycles are less visible compared to bigger vehicles like cars and trucks, making them more susceptible to accidents.

Common Causes of Crashes

When it comes to the specific causes of motorcycle accidents, a variety of factors come into play.

  • Left-Turning Cars: Sometimes, cars turn left and don't see a motorcycle coming.
  • Rear-End Collisions: Cars might misjudge how fast a motorcycle is going and crash into its back.
  • Slippery Roads: After rain, oil spills, or even fallen leaves can make roads as slippery as an ice rink.
  • Potholes: Roads aren't always smooth. A pothole can be a nasty surprise for a rider.
  • Poor Visibility: Fog, rain, or even bright sun can make it tough to see.
  • Speeding: Riding super-fast might feel thrilling but can lead to accidents.
  • Driving Under the Influence: Alcohol and riding are a dangerous mix.
  • Not Dressed Right: Skipping on safety gear can make injuries worse if there's a crash.
  • Lane Splitting: This is when a motorcycle moves between two lanes. It can be risky if other drivers aren’t expecting it.
  • Broken Bike Parts: Sometimes, a motorcycle might have a faulty part, causing issues.
  • Animal Collisions: In some places, a deer or another animal might suddenly cross the road.

Tips for Injury Prevention

The good news is, many accidents are preventable. Wearing safety gear, especially helmets, drastically reduces the risk of severe injuries. Also, jackets, gloves, and boots specifically designed for riders can protect against potential road injuries. For those new to riding, or even veterans looking to refresh their skills, motorcycle safety courses offer valuable lessons. Staying constantly alert on the road, being aware of surroundings, and practicing defensive driving are essential habits every motorcyclist should adopt.

What to Do After the Crash

A sudden crash can be disorienting, but knowing the next steps to take can ensure your safety and protect your rights. Here’s a guide to help you handle the immediate aftermath:

  • Prioritize Your Well-being: Your safety is most important. Before assessing the situation, take a moment to gauge how you’re feeling. Are there any injuries or pain?
  • Seek a Safe Refuge: If it's feasible and safe to do so, move to a secure location away from oncoming traffic to avoid any further dangers.
  • Call for Assistance: Call your local emergency services or, if you're unable to, signal someone nearby to do it on your behalf.
  • Document the Scene: Modern smartphones come in handy in such situations. Capture clear photographs of the accident site, the condition of your bike, and any other vehicles or obstructions involved.
  • Witness Accounts: If there are bystanders who witnessed the incident, approach them. Gathering their contact details can be invaluable for any future claims or disputes.
  • Recount the Incident: Memory can be fickle. While the events are still fresh, jot down or vocally record a detailed account of how everything transpired.
  • Inform Your Insurance Provider: Reach out to your insurance agency as soon as possible to inform them about the incident.
  • Medical Evaluation: Even if you feel relatively fine, get a medical check-up. Certain injuries might not manifest symptoms immediately.
  • Legal Counsel: Accidents can sometimes lead to challenging legal scenarios, consider seeking advice from a personal injury lawyer to guide you through the process.

Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney?

Motorcycles are amazing, offering a sense of freedom that's hard to match. But with that freedom comes responsibility. If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident and sustained injuries, call the Law Offices of Andrew Zeytuntsyan. Our team of legal professionals is ready to help ensure you receive the compensation you need to fully recover. Contact our office to learn more or to schedule a consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Inglewood.

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